
shadows - part 3 (my photos)

i am loved
i am hated
among these

i am alive
i am dead
within these

i move an inch as
half the earth is shaking,
  falling apart

say a word as
half the world is still,
  blinded in silence

i am useless to you
who do not know me,
  and you never will

but i am blood meal
for the shadows that crave,
  all too familiar

memories like a bug

out of the corner of my eye

a tiny bug is

racing across this desert floor

normally we kill such things

but tonight

I follow it out of respect

until it crawls into the wall

under the baseboard,

dark refuge of its cave home

where only the smallest things

go; to places where

only the smallest things roam


in my place

energy of the night

returns to the sun

like a trembling drunk

drying without a drink

I am humbled and

put in my place again,

some words can do that

without intention

staggering through the 

desert, squinting eyes and

sweating brow, beating on

me, beating me down

lost oasis… lovely oasis…

bury me in the cooling

sands below, self-dug,

water trickling at my feet

(Image from inhabitat.com)


groin to glottis

which way is out again


how is flesh forgotten


unfulfilled curse of a word


more a boundary than an



splay me groin to glottis


my sex my speech useless


time here mostly neutered


I’m more aroused now than


(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)

under the guise

(Image by Mohamed Eldmrdash on deviantart.com)

under the guise of covenant

with winks from a stingy eye

with hidden fingers crossed

from her hand a kiss is blown

and thus the poison spreads

and hence the gullible vanish

receivers, we absorb the blight

as hope invades the virgin coil

as vows sting the gutted tongue

naive, we march to her allure

broken madly with disbelief

broken airily by duping charm

(Image by Laeron57 on deviantart.com)


there are kisses

there are kisses that

fall down your body

like a trickle of water

taking a crooked path

over every surface

hidden or exposed

there are kisses that

are erotically unique

like sucking through

a straw

like guzzling from a

wide-mouth bottle

like slurping off of

a spoon

there are kisses

that are awkward

like teeth accidentally

banging together

like stubbing your toe

in the dark

like a punch to the neck

and then there are kisses

that are only imagined

like the emoji sent in

an email

like the kiss that seals

an envelope shut

like the one that hits 

the inside of the window

and bounces back

as the cab pulls away

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)


hanging over

I still wake up at 4am

to walk the fish

eyes are spoked,

Honeycomb cereal-sized

flush, the morning would

swirl down the drain, goodbye

mugshot in the mirror,

shots of Jäger in the mug

nightstand light, soft 20 watt,

strobe fractions to the brain 

what was last night’s mystery?

dream’s sci-fi? morning’s tale?

toaster sparks, crumb smoke,

a sinful hand burned the host

(or is it burnt?

, language sucks)

where’s that fish,

little fucker ran away again

(Image from tipsybartender.com)



happily plays the

morning-new light now

flickering and dancing  

gently upon me

restlessly moves the

vision of her next to me

all aromas of skin and

ticklings of hair

dreamingly lingers the

frolics and frenzies of

scenes from the fuck

and hungry kisses

ardently yearns the

weakness I am that

refuses to be stabilized

until she is mine

(Painting by Viktorija Lapteva on saatchiart.com)


having not but wishing

having but

having not

not touching 

but touching

wishing the kiss

that wishes kissing

loving to love

love’s loving

(Image from victoria-4.tumblr.com)


body down

as most of the onlookers

look numb and walk away


the street, the curb

walked upon, stepped over

in the air

the abstract whiff of

nonchalance and callousness


an entry in file #73.84

row 21 column 50

file name: Another



a corridor opens,

your stare extends into

the tunneling

eyes fixated, limited to

swelling but encased

a naked body partially

unadapted, unprotected

in between or lost without

your gods, your devils

thus they come forth

from nowhere, from 


spirits and strangers,

incubi and succubi,

chaos in the static

what filth wraps around you,

what’s real? and why... 

there’s a shadow behind

every wavelength

obsess in your fears

discretely, unobtrusively

there’s only one match,

one candle

one chance to

counterbalance these



on the verge


 (Image from sophi-aubrey.tumblr.com)

its in 

the incessant beating

the invisible attack

the unlatched mouths

screaming wordlessly

with tongues on fire

its on

the never ending

the never ending

the never ending

movie reel spinning

around in my head

its with

a hemorrhaging outflow

an impermeable affront

that will not, that

cannot, that refuses

to be obtained

subdue the specimen

sedate the ego

dehydrate the medium

penetrate the viral envelope

and alert the surrounding

environment of ensuing


its about

the things to come

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)


by the raindrop

by the raindrop, from an ominous sky

one by one and then a million times

first upon the redwood’s high leaf

then perhaps the fern, so far beneath,

to the ground moss that draws it nigh

drips and drops give the rotting new life

as yesterday’s fallen have come to rise,

even the fittest of creatures have needs

by the raindrop

from the puddles to the swelling height

of rivers and streams in blue and white,

the duller gray of skies that were seen

have traveled here to quench the scene

one by one as the cycle survives

by the raindrop



Blithe was a brunette with a
flip-of-the-hair uncaringness

her favorite finger was always
up in front of a sarcastic smile

pardon me for saying so... but
pardon you for misunderstanding

Blithe isn’t the one you bring
home through the front door

she’s the one who sneaks into
your window at night

the one you beg to stay as
she once again sneaks away

(Image from mister—s.tumblr.com)


the river speaks

the river says

build your high walls...

I will eventually overtake them

its just a matter of time

pretend you own me...

I will flood your intentions

or recede from your wishes

treat me like a latrine...

I will allow your poisons to grow

then feed them back to you

I am not a god

I am not a goddess,

do not bow to me

I am 

the blood of the earth

just as there’s 

blood in your body

respect me

preserve me

and treat me as your equal

(Screenshot of a video clip from ailec01.tumblr.com)

like at night

secrets like secrete

mice at night 

quiet quite

hard to catch

church grins

guilty as desires

replace prayers

gone in peace

pieces gone

in secrets

like secrete

quite guilty

as like

at night

the mice

(My edit of image from fravery.tumblr.com)