
journal-12, into the ambush

your ambient light gathers me. one small footstep into the breeze. unsteady, steadies. falling, falls. and upon touch... resurrected. because hardships are still beautiful if you can take the pain, separate the experience. I consider this a learning. the result, self-evident

ice blue, the tempest. a summer of cold heart. running like thieves before the theft. greedy, into each other. acrobatic attraction. dance-flower pollination

we'll make sense of this at another time. bury your head in me, I am sap-soft and carved out. nuzzle into my neck. take a deep breath of this aroma. ( and I did. and my lips trembled. and my lungs burned with appreciation )

I will travel south with you. as deep as we can go. into the ambush. the glass forest of mirrored selves. familiar strangers, and forgotten

we shall never part

nor become cannibals at our own feasts

(Image by Karl Persson on trendhunter.com)

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