
nameless poisons

the world didn’t need me today,
it was palpable upon waking

so i’m writing this to you
through a prism of despair

 ( this is not the way
   they advertised it to be )

where are you?
my nursery, nebula

the vastness of you
i no longer search for

i am aging,
spiral to elliptical

as nameless poisons
attack the bliss

and interruptions
steal the kisses
  of love

... where are you?

(my image)


4 N 24

axis, mine

around which
impulse must be subdued

propulsion against gravity
( anything away )

maintaining shallow orbit
in happy
peach skin horizon

gift tranquilizer,

  hide in the darkness
  behind each blink

  before collapse,

  the spirit core

(my image)


the Giver

live a little longer
let dying come slow
and never go down
by the river

the wind still reeks
of the blood that flows
the flowers all have

i forget the names
there have been so many
that never came back
from the river

his, they scream
as their lives are taken
but he calls himself
  the Giver

eventually they come
spirits from the woods
their heads and limbs
in the river

their torsos rot
without a grave
mounds of flesh just

on the longest nights
his laughter haunts
and we hide in this city
by the river

praying a little longer
that dying will come slow
and our lives are never taken
by the Giver



through the door to
sit by the window,
leave the window to
travel through the mirror

( the passersby
  sense the mood inside
    they whisper
    without knowing
  rumors, apprehensions

  secrets like
  flags in the front yard
  waving in full sight
  but silent )

i delve into,
i challenge the immutable,
i suffer the change
and adapt, until i

leave the mirror
to look out the window,
then leave the window
to walk out the door

(image from erebussociety.tumblr.com)


except for 2

the scene
is black and white

all of its contents

the rain
the streetlight
the small flowers by
  the curb

the moon in the puddle
the bus stop
even his hand
  and her
cheek underneath

everything shaded
left and right from grey

all but
the freshest green of
his words
  i love you

and the
shiny-wet red of
her accepting

lost and found

head in midnight’s
box of lost and found,
unsure of what i’m
even looking for

i want to wear
something old
to return that
lost feeling of youth

i want to read
an old love letter
to remember the
force of blushing

i want to find
something i’ve forgotten
so this heart can
again be surprised

my passwords have expired,
my keys don’t fit the locks

“... anymore” is becoming
too common a phrase

and this night just
keeps getting darker

(image altered from original)


all silence

all silence as one
like a pack of waiting wolves

useless negotiations
making them salivate
and getting me nowhere

i know the time is coming
  the pouncing upon
  the ripping to shreds

i’ve bled to their gnashing before
  they know my taste
  and they are hungry

(image from mirrorsinner on tumblr)

- of us

draw out the marrow
  belly of the bone
turning hollow and dry

last vestiges of renewal
  terminated mitosis
ebb and flow to empty

cue the sullen choir
  echo of the swaying dirge
soft eyes and reverberations

close the book of us
  lay this love to rest
release, as
  butterflies, memories

(Butterflies I by SeraphimStock on deviantart.com)



in late night womb

umbilical venom
  tainted at the source
  of dream
burning within

spiraling fall
from red to black,
  the tarred heart

translucent prison
of body,
leak of fear -
the unsealed fontanelle

  where is my savior,
  the radiant hands
  that proffer salvation

begging for a beat,
the stillborn arrives
in a mess of birth

and mourning sun  

(image from mymodernmet.com)

empty corner

i gave him the only
dollar in my wallet

i can’t imagine the
corner being very
generous anymore
with most people
now going cashless

but he was new,
half-a-beard younger than
Sal with the brown pants
(that’s what Sal’s sign said,
 “hi i’m Sal
  with the brown pants
  can you please help”)

i saw him again today
but my wallet was empty,
the State salary has me
living tight and lean,
there’s not a lot of room
for extras
  but, i am rich
  in poems and silence

i wonder if he
writes at night,
scribbling sufferings
far worse than 
i’ve ever known
on scraps of cardboard
or those collected
dollars he
eventually must spend

i always thought
Sal’s sign was
concisely poetic,
11 words...
  a greeting
  a proper noun
  a description
  a cry for help
all invoking
a visceral response

i can’t imagine
being on this corner...

or any corner...

... oh man...
poetry is worthless...

i wish i had a dollar...



(Written in April 2021, backdated posting)

voices hushed

lips sealed tight


miserably, love

succumbs to silence

its a familiar crash

after the high, 

so damn high that

the loss of oxygen

knocks you out,

knocks you back down

into the dirt where

you belong

I am tired

I am weary

I prefer now to

lie on my back and

watch love float by,

watch others rise and fall

enjoying their sunshine gaiety

enjoying their turbulent rainfall

basking here, drowning here

avoiding all of it



north on US98

(Written in April 2021, backdated posting)

heading north on US98 just 

over the small Kissimmee bridge 

and around the first bend

there, in the heavy marsh grass,

is a single black cow looking

modestly sad for some reason

as it chews and stares and

stares and chews and stares

at nothing really, just chewing

continuing by on this two-lane 

country road with nothing but

time, I am lost in my own state

of sad staring, at nothing really,

just thinking about how this

might be the last day that I

ever hear from her again, and

its because “love is a beautiful,

wondrous thing (but) I play games

in my head to ruin it”... yup, the

truest poem/thought I ever wrote

while reflecting upon all of my

fuckups... so long ago written

but so eternally true ~

~ hours have gone by now, and

I can’t... I can’t let this happen, 

not again dammit, not again, so

I message her back, and I do it

again until she finally answers;

this incredible woman, this pure

angel heart of a woman, this

precious gift of a woman finally

responds and gives me the 

chance I needed; we talk, for

the first time we actually talk

and a new connection is made

and a new beginning is started

the next day, heading north on

US98 just over the small

Kissimmee bridge and around

the first bend there, in the

heavy marsh grass, is a single

black cow looking fairly happy

for some reason as it chews and 

stares, at nothing really, and I

too happily stare, I stare at all of

this growing country openness

all around me, and I feel an

overwhelming sense of promise

and hope for things I just

couldn’t see yesterday

“love IS

a beautiful, wondrous thing”

(My photo north on US98)


erase me

(Written in April 2021, backdated posting)

start here
where you are
in my tangled abyss

climb up and out
faster now, hurry
backpedal, retreat

I’m closing up
eyes eclipsed

take the common paths
follow familiar voices
join the happy cities

erase me
forget everything
its already over

start again
wherever you are,
start again

(Image from fravery.tumblr.com)



ripples from the wake,
a noiseless imbalance

the rolling ricochet
barely disturbs

i too am here
absorbing, adjusting

just shy of idle
against the passing day

(My photo)


shutter “ click

camera intrusion
  } annihilators {

a different kind of bullet
  > penetrators <

shutter “ click
shutter “ click “ click 

(Rafael Salazar on fineartamerica.com)

voyeur steals innocence
  a downblouse ¥
  an upskirt ^

venomous ~ by ~ theft

victims ...   ...   ... desolate

(from theodysseyonline.com)



she seems prettier
  and that’s not just
  a sentence to
  start off this poem

  its a fact
proven by the endless
eyeball tests
i’ve conducted over time

her smile doesn’t just
walk by unnoticed
or leave forgotten

it rattles my stability
it trips my gait
it disrupts the cadence
  of an otherwise
  steady heart

waves, shivers, frisson;
faltering dexterity

and the miserable dilemma
trying to decide if i should
spend my day in a 
constant state of arousal
still thinking about her

or just give in to the
refractory period
that’s necessary to
and be ready again

(painting by Monika Luniak on artfinder.com)

out-there girl

the out-there girl is
a woman now
and the tiny world from
her childhood is
too heavy to carry in
a willow basket
  so she drags it along

her scars have thinned
once thick with rage and
loathed reflections
they lie on her skin as
paraphrased reminders of
abandoned stories
  and nothing more

the out-there girl was
once a cry in a
curled-up corner of a
dollhouse room
behold this precious
woman now
calloused to a poise
and out there on her own


marbled utopia

they lied about
the chalk lines,
there were no
bodies in the streets

  the knives were dry,
  the bullets released
  had nowhere to go

the empty hands
that were reaching out
were filled with hands
that were pulling in

  and except for the tiny
  fires of prayer candles
  that marbled this
  strange utopia

  no one set a flame
  so nothing burned down


that bird that sang

(a rondeau  poem)

that bird that sang, from tree to tree
as happy as a bird could be
dancing, darting from limb to limb
before the storm came rolling in;
   O foul tempest, O cruelest siege!

branch upon branch, leaf upon leaf
did sway and swing, did crack beneath
the sweetest song, the softest hymn...
   that bird that sang

had i the strength i’d halt with ease
and cast that storm back out to sea
O swallowed sky, O swirling wind,
my pleasure’s lost as the hour dims;
i’m left to mourn with memories...
   that bird that sang

(Bird In The Storm by Topaz98 on imgur.com)



we are climbing up
different mountains now

and i don’t know how
to get to you anymore
with all these clouds
between us and the
unknown grounds below

its a tricky love
and mostly one-sided,
from way over here
to you
way over there

i shout
and i know
that you only hear
the echo
  unaware of its

but at least
you have something
  and i feel better
  letting it out

(photo from susie-moore.com)



in a corner
lost, unattainable

vibrating in his
tousled state

another dour dose
of reticence
bloats the belly and
burrows into bones
still sore from the fall
from a height that
friends once called

  life that was
  and conquered
  and quite delicious

  trembles there
  lost in a corner
  and out of reach


lost in the smoke

wisp of a girl
thin, like a
four word sentence

and she’s messy
all the way down
to her untied sneakers

one foot smothering
a cigarette
into the ground

scanning the horizon
in slow motion
as she exhales

and then
as if answering a
question i never asked

she says, in a
voice of mixed calm
and frustration

  there are so many
  peaceful roads on earth

  i’m just trying to find
  one of them


shadows - part 2 (my photos)

keep the body
in motion
to keep the
shadows at bay

balled up tight like
a secret in a fist
will not
hide you

spread yourself
bend away from
this earth...
thrust forward


there are no 
at the height
of existence



cooling winds

cooling November winds
are finally upon me

at last i’m freed from the
sticky mesh of those
dogged Summer months

wiping the stench of
sweat and breath with
warm hands that are
just as sweaty
has finally become
two hands in the air
and a head flung back
to enjoy the breeze

its the little things
  like smiling more often
  and opening the windows
  and women wearing sweaters
that change my mood
from gloom to gleam
and again,
that cooling breeze


finally upon me



i’m not really sure
who’s been here
in my place

  the word unsaid
  left an empty bed

but under black light,
the semen
the saliva

in the closet,
tangled hangers
on the floor

in a vase
on the nightstand,
the beauty of
6 dead flowers

  its been many years
  and the dream
  never changes

the room
the promise,