
the ripe house

fallible uneasy nature

of things and these

variant of Cora Pearl, a

wild child descendent

tamed by nothing but time

and the street-cold hush

polished smooth by fright

and vehement smiles

serve yourself in trance and

begs of the opportunistic

feed the pigs sex and smell

before the slaughter

we need promises as much

as we need solid lies

when the ripe house burns

we are all incinerated

(Image from stayathomemum.com.eu)



motes of fate

in the

tenebrous air,

words written

in chalk

the wind blows

precious fret...

the pendulum swings

there's a high

to be had

on both sides,

she searches for

magnetic force

only Love knows

precious heft...

the pendulum swings

(Image from fineartamerica.com)

moon and I

moon mood and reflection

disturbed by the tender trickle

of little waves upon my feet

rise of a glowing stone mute and

forgotten amid the lucid backdrop

of a piercing star-filled night

down the shoreline two strangers of

my imagination fuck on a blanket and

wet sand with smooth simple loving

closing my eyes to the sea-breeze

I strain to hear them but their moans

are low and private into the ear

their night is fine without us, moon

and I as mute and forgotten as 

shadows drowned in their waves

this night is fine without me, I have

my own secrets to tell tonight

and the moon as my only witness

(Image on elegyforadream.tumblr.com)


do not disturb


anesthetize the 4 chambers,

medicate the selves within

chase those little inchoate 

voices into a reprimanding 

corner until they learn to 


but which one of I

will do the reprimanding

and who is really chasing

who in this rhetorical cycle

of questioning

the heart is becoming 

spastic now and the

medication is kicking in

I am doctor and patient

and the rooms are all white

and padded and windowless

but there are trees in my 

head and children laughing 

and no one around to supervise

I am not here right now,

as obvious as the sign on 

the door says

do not disturb

(Phot by S.D.G Photographie on flickr.com)


the littlest of things


or over

grinding through

the overdub 

and large hall reverb

of living

here I lie 

waiting for you

below the cold universe

upon this burning earth

in this deep valley

down in the thin grass

within this loose sand

with the littlest of things

a single musical note

within the seed's shell

vibrating unique existence

in sustained resonance

    bring your beauty

    to my awaiting song

    and I will show you

(Image from shutterstock.com)


 "There was preserved in her 

   the fresh miracle of surprise"

                         -Jim Morrison

my security

my consistency

my friend fiend friend

my angel lover

my betrayer

my journey

my rearview mirror

I look ahead for you

without turning my

back on you

you, everywhere

you, nowhere

tangible intangible

ghost on a swing

voice of inside out




every miracle of you

preserved in you





like a shout

its hard to find the beauty

in a normal August day

with the heat and humidity

taking its toll hour by hour

the sweat rolls and collects

while the breath gets sticky

and thick making it difficult

to keep a positive mind

in the midst of monotony I

gaze to the side while 

walking in a parking lot,

and there among the grey 

there among the black and 

sun-dried green and thorny

brown, there sticks out like

a shout... Red! Pink!

               O beautiful hues!

  such a surprise

  so pretty

  so simple


  I miss simple,

  I've missed a lot of things...


  I cry easily sometimes...

  today was one of them

(My image)


colors kept

Florida was white with snow 

in January of '77... my corduroys

were catholic school uniform

brown... gray was the smoke from

my first joint with Joe and Trey...

I remember Grandma's blue

sweater hug and Courtney's blue

eyes... pink was the bubblegum

in a pack of baseball cards or

a pouch of big league chew...

the lemon Italian ice and the

crossing guard's raincoat were

both a certain yellow... and 

green was so green on every 

yard of the football field...

red, red came deep from the

blood of a stab wound to my 

right thigh... and blonde was a 

loose ponytail bouncing from 

Amy's cheerleading hair... 

black was getting knocked out

chasing down an interception...

and orange I don't really remember

much of...  ... but this is how I 

remember colors... 

by experience, not sight

(Image by Phil Perkins on pixels.com)


a biting bug

waiting for the words

torture is this time

in silence

a biting bug taking a bite

every second

deeper into the skin

until underneath and crawling

while I wait

it nears the heart

mouth open wide

and appetite still needing

there's no internal defense

against it,

it lives and feeds and

greeds and seethes 

so torturous is this 

time in silence

waiting for the words

every second, still needing

(Image by s8ndavinci on deviantart.com)


meet the beast

crux of mouth

where red and pink

are wet confusions

we meet the beast

all muscle and tough

that comforts or kills

deep come winds

in forms and passions

sensible or absurd

with grinding force

we entrants crushed

go down in a swallow

(Image from pinterest)


where does the night go

where does the night go 

sucked into a small black hole

like one of those old tube TVs

when the screen disappears

after turning it off

gone like a magician behind

the wave of a hand and a puff 

of play-smoke as the dazzling

assistant acts surprised

down the kitchen sink rattling

like a spoon that got stuck in

the disposal because somebody

forgot to put it off to the side

or thrown into the corner like

a sweaty pair of socks you're

just sick of walking around in

as you have been for so long


her seeking spirit

August can take her voice away

but her seeking spirit rides the air

From a higher West she gathers up

as she's done before with valiant care

I knew her not when last she passed,

her world is so much larger than mine

Scotland, Italy, Portugal and France

know her body, her breath, her mind

I speak in dreams to flashes of her 

as she darts across the ether's expanse

Once we shared a meticulous kiss

and vanished away to chance, to chance

Time now shrinks as the hours retract

and her seeking spirit rides the air

September will bring her out of dreams

for once again our kiss to be shared

(Image from videohive.net)


dawn or dusk

sun or moon

dawn or dusk 

I'm not sure of


but I'm fighting

love keeps me in 

the blind battle

win or lose

this isn't a drill

this is live action

there's no dream

good or bad

to wake up from

(My image)



licking the release of morning 

off of this nubile leaf,

off of this wasted ground

feeding on the natural yolk of

things unborn and

these strange dreams unsettled

I need something useful today,

all gods have wanton needs

and many of us are awakening

to you also, wherever you are,

great god or goddess of You,

wake up with us, come with us

let's feed off of each other

and taste the day from these 

sultry skins unfettered

(Image from teachmetarot.com)


the shell

as it stands, this night

is oceanquiet and stardark

left for me and my

sludged steps onward

the shoreline lies fallow

eager for trespassing

or any injected voice

into its fertile overlay

and then this shell 

in its own decorum

rounded out from the sand 

as if brightly displayed

calls out to me in reply

to an unspoken need,

sensed within senselessness

as if already it was known

my love lies away from me

as quiet as this shell

waiting for a reaching hand

and an eye that adores it so;

I stole it from the night

with good intentions promised

and sent it as a gift

something real, something honest

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)