
the drift

up from the iron core

without reprimand

without guilt

through the belly of the sea

with pure intentions

I enter the drift

afloat, directionless

eyes wide to the stars

beautiful and obscene

these faults and perfections

on full display

without applause

I am here among you

I have returned

below the gaze of the dead

I have come again to

witness the mellifluous force

the miraculous embrace

She opens her arms

from the sea

from the sky

touched with all acceptance

and cradled as a gift

I release to her my will

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)


may I


dizzying days

mother may I

skip to the other side

these naked feet are

scarred and scared

to walk too slowly

so I run, I run

chasing imaginary kites

in imaginary skies

of imaginary blue

I run and I run

the fields are so green,

so soft on flying feet

just missing the surface

mother may I

live in dreams

or one calming midnight,

just one

(Gif from gifer.com)

S. H.

bruised by your fullness,

the incurable growth within

that will not leave

until she's taken with you

you in your silence,

you hiding behind 

her beautiful smile 

and ease,

you as the cheap tenant

I pray for suffering

but not hers, no -

let it be yours,

let her be the last one

you ever touch

wither away forgotten

as she remains

a foreverheart of joy


as we keep her


without you



(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)

I want to rush to you

and love you in a fury,

the chaos of a storm

you simply must drown in

pretty head to precious toe

drenched and overwhelmed;

but slowly come upon you

taking time turned to mist,

the orderly touch infusing

until you simply must drown

pretty lips to precious heart

drenched and overwhelmed;

  my love

        my love

              my love

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)


her heavy light

morning begs me

to come with her,

I'm struggling to

climb her heavy light

the loving hand

that can't be grabbed,

a figure of my

desperate imagination

morning has eyes of

flirtation and allurement,

I pretend she means well

with hesitance and caution

if not for love... what

would pull me forward,

unbound from night's

soft reassuring embrace

(Image from infoworld.com)


impetus impeded

a bloody fist


a bloody rose

violence before evidence

can only be guessed at

impetus impeded in

between the frail friction

one voice wounds enough

for two mired in uncertainty

whispers from shadows on

the wall infest the silence

eyes punch deeper into the

soft membrane of intentions

where do we go from here,

who makes the first move

the garden entrance is 

prepped and ready

but so is the exit

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)


I burn to death


ignite with life

in the same 

fueling fire

of love


that cow

I could be that cow

the isolated one

standing in a field



a blank stare

brain for nothing







meat for the stack


skin for the boot



cosmic drip

cosmic drip

and our night is

separated into

sticky syllables

I’ve never known

your tongue 

young like this

fresh and ready

the waves break

with a crisp snap,

the moon spies

silvery fat and 


we swim 

in and out of

each other 

as blind as 

fish in the dark

the air

as thick as water

and our

labored breathing

(Love Swirls by samareleros.com)



the young dream chase
the run, the race

first one to the mirage
is bathed in bliss

we stay in our lane
solipsism's barricade

overdosed on stimuli
the blue-light insomnia

raised, praised and
sugar-teased at the lip

idolize the smile that
gleams most before you

the feed bin's overstocked
the feeding hours extended

lights hang above the mirage
as they play that catchy jingle


gazing west

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)

gazing west beyond early light

that breaks into the darkness,

wondering which of these tiny stars

is the one she’ll see above her

my angel sleeps without me there

to hold her close or kiss her awake,

she sleeps in the arms of familiar love 

as I love her from this foreign place

what’s a prayer, a wish, a dream?

none of these can be held in hand,

instead I ache without her near

... a distant heart in a distant man

(Image from understands.tumblr.com)


swept under the rug

how large is the rug now,

the one we keep 

sweeping things under

rising in a mountain’s ground

these things ignored 

or discarded as irrelevant

this barren land, spoiled earth

where not a sign of life

dares to roam or settle seed

a landfill at best; what sullen

prosperity swells before us

under the vulture’s stare

lavender petals

upon the fabric backdrop

of subtle sun in lemon-lime,

lavender petals wavelike flow

undulating accordingly 

as the evening breezes blow

gently now they fold and puff,

gently now and how they sway,

lavender petals wavelike flow

in constant blossoms luring me

between the limbs unshown 

(Image from shutterstock.com)


the bull

bulk and brawn

and surging force

through the red door

home of another

scream secret smile

as nostalgia burns

in crackling distant

cares and wares

this arena, spectacle

where bull is king,

underlings trampled 

to blood on the hooves

stench of the dead

the maniacal aphrodisiac,

raise the foreign sword

to finalize the deed

(My edit of image from bonanza.com)


organic fruits

twisting the pale neck

of a soft lie

like bread for a side plate

at a corner table

in the back of a dim-lit


focusing on the meal’s

fatty succulence

and the sex of red wine

as it coils in the glass

like a 

provoked snake

watching her lips move

saying something delicious

about organic fruits

and the true tastes of

nature’s pleasures

somewhere overseas

I have dessert planned

and its all over her skin

on her tongue, breasts

and groin…

the anticipation is

sweet and slippery

and graduating to


(Image from 99wow.blogspot.com)


feeling streams and dreams

this hour is passing slowly, the

firs and pines lining the stream

have a better vibrance in the

water’s reflection than they do

in the will of the winds - I come

without flesh this time, as easy 

as if I had only thought myself 

were here - but I am here - I touch

my hand to the stream and a ripple

circles away, I graze the cattails 

as I stroll beside them and they

sway properly in return - yes, I am

here - the rainbow trout knows my

name, the mayfly as well, despite

its brevity - the blurred buzzing,

fat and thick, of the honeybee’s

jollity is familiar to me - yes my

friend, I am here - I come like

mist for the empty spaces, I fill the

culms and the creaking hollows -

through every spider’s web I flow

without vibration, without alarm,

and I rise in the foam where the

water crashes and the currents

swirl - I am here, I am here

(Image from cdnb.artstation.com)



chlorine bright and burnt

come these smells before

the storm

trioxide in low wilderness

ripe to me in my stable


sense attuned to these

parts of parts-per-million


the cause of these sparks

and where the storms are

remain a mystery

(Image from sciencealert.com)