
lingering effects

some of the storm still lingers,
it always does

I'm not right yet
and neither are you
  but we survived

a little destruction brings
reassessment, rebuilding

testing the strength of our
bond cannot be done
only in perfect weather

  look how strong and
  beautiful it is here
  now that the storm
  has settled

it always settles
it always does

though some of the storm
still lingers

(my photo)


of sweetness

rainsplashed and sunlathered
your wetness and heat

I bathe in you
all essence and fragrance

upon your overs and unders
inside your ins and outs

how fulfilling
of sweetness
  you are
  you are

honeywater delightful
and heavenly scent
  you are
  you are

(image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)


through after-rain lavender

how do you protect
a heart that's opening
as it begins to take on
more and more wounds

freefalling from the
bluest sky through
after-rain lavender
into heavy smoke
and fire

newer hells below,
traffic at the intersection,
snarling teeth within
the briar and the thicket

the rose is prettiest
spread wide in full bloom
but closer to its death;
please don't leave me now

(image from verycoolphotos.tumblr.com)



the day after

sucked backwards down the
abysmal pitch of night

lucidity wanes, lost in a
spiral-smeared foresight

detritus soaked and splattered,
food for thoughts

taking the shape of elegy and
ghost-myth prayer...

there's a circle of stars in the 
forthcoming sky

almost there, almost...

  one day
  when you don't have to
  leave anymore

  say you'll stay

(image from rare-galaxy.com)


bound apparitions

her eyes turned from

love me  to  fuck me

between uneven heartbeats

and the fall of a single drop

of sweat from my forehead 

to hers

there was a pause

there was a transformation

there was an unbecoming

and a becoming

we no longer touched...

we dove into each other

we swam in torrents

we fought against currents

we were under 

and in 

and above

the pleasant drowning

the full-bodied breath into

craving lungs

the floating climax into

sudden weightlessness

her eyes

and mine

were long gone

lost together


bound apparitions

(Image from usman119 on steemit.com)



vibrations shake the core
into dissonance
and trill

a loss of balance and
a constant retuning

  who hears the song anyway,
  who really cares to listen

this is not meant for an
there’s no ear comfort or

and the lyrics are
I cannot bear to
sing them out loud

  so I struggle with the
  soothing the sorrow
  by humming along

(image from giannantonionegretti.com)

crossed wires

my wires are crossed.
I wish I could remove them,
lay them down in straight lines
and figure out where they're
supposed to go again

I'm not sleeping much.
heaven is much higher than I
expected it to be,
I don't think I'll ever be able to
reach it,
my goals have changed

I'm adversely inadequate.
a copy, a modification

you can't change
the template,
you can't devalue
the original mold

reach out,
flip the switch
and you will see

(my photo)



the day falls in its
preset routine

a slow golden drop
and a fiery burning red
consumes the view

I tried to fall apart in
a peaceful place
but something took the
moment from me

I am not in control,
not even of this

amalgam of thoughts,
they will come some other time

most likely
when I am least prepared

(my photo)

nature and prose

(image from fravery.tumblr.com)

the Philippine Violet
and the Beautyberry,
the Hibiscus the Rose
and the Blue Ginger,
the Bamboo garden
and the Mango tree,
the Palm the Azalea
and the Southern Magnolia

I'm grateful for these
as we stroll the grounds
her hand in mine
her perfect existence,
I'm grateful for the
nature and prose of things,
the freedom and flow of this
inexpressible love

the breeze the lake
the bench and her lips,
the small sounds of closeness,
the voice-fall to whisper,
a kiss... the energy of
half a life without her
and everything I've never known
about happiness rushing in

nature is our witness
our welcoming and our guidance,
prose is our expression
our free release into each other,
an unexpected synergy
an unannounced arrival,
we didn't know it before we met
but love had already found us

(image from fravery.tumblr.com)


elements of unfunctioning

its like the tide that
comes back in

the hammer that
misses the nail

the bus that arrives
but never opens its

the wet match,
the bruised fruit,
the broken chair leg.

pieces of the almosts,
the unreliable,
the unfunctioning

the body without pulse,
the stagnant river,
the dull aphrodisiac.

somethings remain
unresolved, incomplete

each step on the ladder
breaks a rung

we get nowhere
or come crashing down

(image from m.facebook.com/artistswithoutborders)

rough edges

(my photo)

scraping the last
crumb from the plate
and downing the last
inch of coffee

everything else is quiet
and she is still asleep
( I smile in a
  luminous silence )

the sunrise is beautiful...
a fog hovers over the pond
and drifts through the trees

  I wonder why all of this
  has to end

  are we already in the midst
  of our smooth transition
  from vibrancy to decay

  or is this still 
  the beginning

no matter what, the fog will
and its inevitable that this
sunrise will become noon

she will gather up her dreams
and awaken
and we will love again where
we left off

things will end as they're
supposed to, I suppose

one way or the other
there will be some
rough edges


this path

twisted turns
and the dead ones
crunch beneath my feet

it's hard to find sunlight
through the canopy
and my will is gone

I'm at the mercy
of something venomous
something predatory

but I chose to take this path
so I will fight my way
back out of this mess

(my photo)


journal-21, I need a new shower head

sarcastically speaking, isn't life wonderful. I mean the timing of things sometimes is just absurd. like waking up one day to find out you're positive for covid and then within the same hour the only one you've ever truly loved says it's over. of course this happens on a Monday because like life, sarcastically speaking, aren't Mondays wonderful

I look for small escapes when I need them. like sitting in silence and staring out into the nowhere for a while. or taking a long hot shower, letting the water completely cover my ears, isolating me into a semi-submerged state as I stand there. the sound of the water rushing by mutes everything else. I hear only myself, but I'm not saying much. I'm in a depth, a distance from things, a vacancy

however, the dilemma... my new place has a shower head that disperses the water in streams that are too thin and too far apart to accomplish this. I tilt my head in every direction, but no luck. no small escape is provided

the weather upstairs in the heart of turmoil is fiercely hellish with the occasional gust from the polar mouth of winter. I feel frozen in place while burning up. I feel a virus is active. covid or love, I'm not really sure which. one of them I will surely recover from. the other, I'm hoping, will just completely take me down