
bereft of a giddy up

tangled in the asinine balm

of frivolous words that drip

from my chin as if I were just

a babbling blathering infant

there's no salve solution for

wounds that keep opening,

for silly scrawls of suffering

and lopsided lethargic loving

a yawn into the wind wiping

watery eyes stinging rub-red

and I laugh a little at the fool

I've become through the years

how many lessons unlearned

learning to fail better, best

bereft of a giddy up in my step

stopping just shy of quitting

(Image from facebook)


between stars and self (my photos)

the world wrestles with

wires and connections

their hands have hands

wanting more and more

I seek isolation between

stars and self

and let whatever shall

enter me

enter me


places of sun

diamond-shine in the

early cut grass,

sparkles from the dew

sharp glare piercing

from the hood of my car,

a flash from the hubcap

rotting the apple's core,

heating the stink of carcass

along the side of the road

cozy on the turtle's shell,

sipped by the raven's beak

and thicker around the fish;

in between every shadow,

above and below

and around all sides

tan glow upon her chest,

softly to her cheek

and down to each leg

spying on your morning sex,

in a smile revealed before

the secret kiss goodbye

driving the beads of sweat,

exhaustion and anxiousness;

tragic in its own fortunate sky

(Settin Sun by Fran Rodriguez on inprnt.com)


a good mess

invisible, pretty

spinning sweetheart-blades

will shred you nice and fine

go ahead

stick your tongue out

stick your heart out

and tempt your fate

blood like a Pollock painting

all around the room

drop to your missing knees

as the carved points of

both femurs jab into the floor

laughter in flanging stereo...

  why dream when you can 

  stay awake and really suffer

Love dresses up as a mascot 

to cheer you on from the corner,

becomes the janitor after hours

and what a good mess you've 

made of yourself here

(Photo by kikujungboy on depositphotos.com)


the guy in the condo above me is pissing again. he flushes and I stare at the ceiling... then at the wall... following the sound as it descends. its not quite the trickling stream in the peaceful woods effect, but its pretty in its own pvc pipe behind drywall sort of way

I'm eating a post-workout meal of peanut butter, a banana and a protein shake. a live version of "Bulls On Parade" by RATM is now blaring in my headphones. I get goosebumps when Zack screams "What's up Los Angeles!" and the crowd goes completely fucking nuts. that's some good goddam energy right there

it was a gray day today, overcast and warm. yesterday it poured while I was at the post office. I helped a lady get to her car with my umbrella (after yelling at myself for walking by her like an asshole without asking). she held my left arm with both hands and said  "thank you, god bless you." her husband in the van just nodded at me. my shirt got soaked on the right side but she stayed dry. my mail was all shit, pre-approved loan offers and bills

I need LASIK, every close word is a blur without glasses. I need hair dye, the grays are coming in. I need more masks. I need to get my car fixed. I need to write a poem tonight. I need to sleep better. does any poet or writer ever sleep well? I lie there trying to fall into the abyss but then some dumb-ass brilliant line comes into my head... and then what...? I'll tell you... the abyss disappears. a light is turned on. the bathroom light. I take a piss while sitting because I'm tired. I flush. I move to the couch and try to write. 

it usually turns out to be trash. sometimes its ok. 

(Image from mirrorsinner.tumblr.com)

behind the slammed door

the night-heart shatters

a mind moves in recovery mode

rejoining the scattered pieces

some now have edges frayed,

they will not be the same again

the puzzle's never fully completed

but I'm wiser from the challenge


R naught

thrillsong filling

late-night air

as contagion, 


its R naught 


exponential, raw


turned on

turned over

turning the sweet song

into a wild engagement

flooding the room

noxious, infested

joining the choir as the 

chorus is repeating

(Image edited from theguardian.com)


invisible wishes

I have these

invisible wishes

in cupped hands

integral parts

of the whole 

that you can't see

a breath of doubt

steals one of the many

into the lungs

it diffuses into the 

blood and circulates 

like a knife

unable to break out

it reaches the heart

and adds to the killing

(Unknown source)

climbing walls

laughing at thoughts

and ridiculous scenarios,

pathetic a)muse(ment,

my own

I am turning down

the wrong avenue

in a millisecond mile

I was touching you

but then I wasn't as

my hand turned numb

he entered, I escaped

to the cliff, to the edge

where the night is freeflight

there is no below

only up, only away

how I beg for sanity, but

know I'll never recognize it

inside this tumbling box 

every surface is a wall to climb

(Gif from wattpad.com)


a moment for love (a collaboration with Angie)

soft caresses down your body

but not with hands, with words.

its how I've survived from this

aching distance, waiting for you

patiently, strolling this shoreline,

always so east of where you are

  me beside you, an endless dream

  I grasp precious time with every breath

  waiting each day for your words

  to reach my anxious eyes and ears

  acutely aware, my yearning desires

  so I send love letters, blow kisses your way

these cross country winds, how

they roll over the western mountains

and plow through the plains and

surge across the rivers, bringing you

here, into me. I inhale and fill myself

with absent but vital love and longing

  beneath the heavens of stardust,

  your eastern sunrise, my western sunset

  through miles of mountains and plains,

  a beautiful symphony emerges,

  lingering inside my head, your voice.

  I reach for it, preparing my approach

O love! kill this time and distance between

us. don't you hear me?  I am screaming... 

be here with me! embrace me wholeheartedly. 

I rise like the daily sun from the Atlantic

with warmth to greet you, forever eager.

reach and I will grasp, never letting you go

  you offer yourself, while I extend

  my love, longing for your sun and star,

  the need for closeness burning immensely.

  heart of shell, strung across beating chest,

  I carry east, replacing absence with

  chance - a moment for love to blossom

{My words in regular font, Hers in italics}

{Letters written by Angie}


all it takes

I think

the sun is crooked...

and the moon,

what happened to the moon

I blink, shake my head

rub my eyes...

its all the same

and now dizziness sets in

digression; mutation;

a flower like a closed fist

blooms forth,

unhappy becomes happiness

  -  morphological derivation

is that all it takes,

adding a new affix to

the base word

a forceful resetting,

looking at the charts

to plot a new course

I raise my hand

to straighten out the sun...

and the moon, 

there you are again my friend

(Corpus, photo by Louis Blanc on joeinct.tumblr.com)


delicate days


I am lost

it was a delicate day

when I last sat before you

in praise of your ease

and beauty

my troubles then 

laid thick upon my spine,

my hurt had gathered

heavy in my heart

I had one direction

and the end was set into

Time's forward march,

there would be no undoing

but wayward travels 

led me to your gardens

and I found myself there

where poets dream of 


you moved me...

I was calm, I was focused

and clarity began to thrive,

you saved me from myself.

the years have gone by,

I am troubled once again

now mired with uncertainty

and the fragile heart of


you are nowhere near,

so I return to you in a 

memory as lucid and true

as the day I sat before you

I look upon you 

gazing at the flowers in 

your garden, so peaceful

so content... and again its 

you that moves me

I seek once more 

the calmness, the focus

the clarity you can provide

with such ease, such beauty

I am lost Isabel...

the heart that exists in this

aching love is so fragile...

these are such delicate 


("Isabel" by Betty Branch at Brookgreen Gardens)


no ammunition

poisoned bullet in the
gaping wound

teeth sinking in to draw out
the shell

mouth covering the gash to
suck the leak

I spit, I spit, I spit and
I spit

desperate, frantic in this
self-survival mode

but, I pose no harm to my

I respond without violence,
without revenge

giving no ammunition to the
seething force

(Image from edfreeman.com)


the fence

"over there is the spot

where the flies have amassed

around the stench of skin

hanging from the fence

most who have tried 

to escape from themselves

got caught on the barbs

before leaving"

he rocks in his chair

fingers tapping the armrest

eyes scanning the twisted

wire, everyday assessing

"I won't be sitting here much

longer. no, I will find the rare

opening. sure enough, I will

find it"

he rocks in his chair

fingers tapping the armrest

hopes drooling from the corners

of his mouth as he mumbles

(Image from istockphoto.com)


... so I just left,

drunk already

and empty

packed up the necessities

bought a fresh green bottle

grabbed the turnpike ticket

and drove

made it to Jacksonville by

the first light of sunrise

thinking of everything

thinking of nothing

walked on the beach

sat down in the sand

stared at the seagulls

under the soft pink sky 

morning mellow susurrations

erased the complications

with a tear

I smiled

got back into the car

and kept driving...